The SaaS Savvy Blog

Use Your Professional Development Budget for Sell SaaS Smarter

careers in saas professional development Jun 01, 2024

How to Expense Sell SaaS Smarter

Does your company offer a professional development budget for employees?

If so (and even if not), use the email template below to request manager approval to cover the costs of Sell SaaS Smarter!

The course includes the Certificate of Completion required by many companies.


Benefits, baby

Sell SaaS Smarter will massively improve your performance in B2B SaaS:

  1. You'll ramp faster in a new job with the bigger picture context and concepts that help you learn products and value more efficiently.

  2. You'll increase conversions and deal sizes by being able to better spot real opportunities and navigate customer tech stacks, problems, and technical solutions

  3. You'll elevate the conversation with opinions and insights beyond the walls of your products only that establish you as a true trusted advisor at the intersection of business and technology

The course is a win-win for you and your employer.

When you request budget approval, focus on explaining how enrolling in the course will benefit your manager, your team, and the entire organization. Tell them how you'll make (or save) the company money with the knowledge you gain from Sell SaaS Smarter.

Your career goals are important but, you're asking them to pay! It's about making your employer feel like paying for this incredible opportunity for you is going to benefit them in the long-run.


Sample Email Template - Manager Approval

Hi {manager's name],

I'd like to use my professional development budget to enroll in Sell SaaS Smarter.

This online course teaches SaaS Sales, Presales, and Success the essential software, cloud, and API concepts to uplevel their technical aptitude and sell SaaS smarter.

It covers Computing, Software, Cloud Computing, SaaS, Software Development, & APIs.

It includes:

  • Self-paced video, text, and audio lessons
  • Live office hours the course instructor + B2B SaaS movers and shakers
  • Technical topic cheat sheets and resources 
  • Certificate of completion

I see Sell SaaS Smarter as an important investment in my ability to sell more of our products, navigate more complex (and lucrative) deals, and lead customers as a trusted advisor in the tech industry. 

You can learn more about the program and the instructor (a former Presales SC at Zendesk) here: https://www.saassavvy.io/sell-saas-smarter

What are your thoughts?

Thank you,

{Your Name}



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